A parte de lo que Unamuno piensa de Xaflag, yo creo que su arrogancia y vanidad le impiden publicar lo que otros le dicen. Sus palabras en dicha cajita de comentarios, son en respuesta a un comentario que le hice, y que por pusilánime actitud, prefirió no publicar, cual buen hijo putativo de la revolución ciudadana, dando fe de esa gran "coherencia" entre sus prédicas de libertad de expresión y sus actos. Del dicho al hecho, siempre hay mucho trecho, y no cabe duda, Flores lo confirma.
De cualquier modo, la intención de esta entrada no es precisamente abundar en lo atrabiliario que es Xavier Flores, sino en utilizar, irónicamente, a uno de sus bien amados autores, para contrastar la pequeñez y vacío de alma que lo aquejan, (en caso de que el ateo de marras tenga una) y lo que Bukowski escribía con similar "quéjica tristeza por una mujer" y la irrelevancia del poeta, por haber escrito algo parecido a lo mío, en sus obras.
Yo creo que el que padece de un síndrome de irrelevancia es Flores, pues tiene una seria necesidad de que otros sepan de él. El anonimato sería una lápida a su insignificancia. (Y aún así, le doy bola a este intelectual)
Y sin mas revuelo, comparto aquí uno de los poemas de Bukowski, dirigidos a esa mujer amada, jamas amada, haciendo que las palabras de nuestro iluminado e ilustre ateo abogado se desvaloren por su propia sazón.
An Almost Made Up Poem
I see you drinking at a fountain with tiny
blue hands, no, your hands are not tiny
they are small, and the fountain is in France
where you wrote me that last letter and
I answered and never heard from you again.
you used to write insane poems about
ANGELS AND GOD, all in upper case, and you
knew famous artists and most of them
were your lovers, and I wrote back, it’ all right,
go ahead, enter their lives, I’ not jealous
because we’ never met. we got close once in
New Orleans, one half block, but never met, never
touched. so you went with the famous and wrote
about the famous, and, of course, what you found out
is that the famous are worried about
their fame –– not the beautiful young girl in bed
with them, who gives them that, and then awakens
in the morning to write upper case poems about
ANGELS AND GOD. we know God is dead, they’ told
us, but listening to you I wasn’ sure. maybe
it was the upper case. you were one of the
best female poets and I told the publishers,
editors, “ her, print her, she’ mad but she’
magic. there’ no lie in her fire.” I loved you
like a man loves a woman he never touches, only
writes to, keeps little photographs of. I would have
loved you more if I had sat in a small room rolling a
cigarette and listened to you piss in the bathroom,
but that didn’ happen. your letters got sadder.
your lovers betrayed you. kid, I wrote back, all
lovers betray. it didn’ help. you said
you had a crying bench and it was by a bridge and
the bridge was over a river and you sat on the crying
bench every night and wept for the lovers who had
hurt and forgotten you. I wrote back but never
heard again. a friend wrote me of your suicide
3 or 4 months after it happened. if I had met you
I would probably have been unfair to you or you
to me. it was best like this.
Charles Bukowski
I see you drinking at a fountain with tiny
blue hands, no, your hands are not tiny
they are small, and the fountain is in France
where you wrote me that last letter and
I answered and never heard from you again.
you used to write insane poems about
ANGELS AND GOD, all in upper case, and you
knew famous artists and most of them
were your lovers, and I wrote back, it’ all right,
go ahead, enter their lives, I’ not jealous
because we’ never met. we got close once in
New Orleans, one half block, but never met, never
touched. so you went with the famous and wrote
about the famous, and, of course, what you found out
is that the famous are worried about
their fame –– not the beautiful young girl in bed
with them, who gives them that, and then awakens
in the morning to write upper case poems about
ANGELS AND GOD. we know God is dead, they’ told
us, but listening to you I wasn’ sure. maybe
it was the upper case. you were one of the
best female poets and I told the publishers,
editors, “ her, print her, she’ mad but she’
magic. there’ no lie in her fire.” I loved you
like a man loves a woman he never touches, only
writes to, keeps little photographs of. I would have
loved you more if I had sat in a small room rolling a
cigarette and listened to you piss in the bathroom,
but that didn’ happen. your letters got sadder.
your lovers betrayed you. kid, I wrote back, all
lovers betray. it didn’ help. you said
you had a crying bench and it was by a bridge and
the bridge was over a river and you sat on the crying
bench every night and wept for the lovers who had
hurt and forgotten you. I wrote back but never
heard again. a friend wrote me of your suicide
3 or 4 months after it happened. if I had met you
I would probably have been unfair to you or you
to me. it was best like this.
Charles Bukowski
ese no es el que aparecio hace tiempos en una foto del universo escribiendo la constitucion en pantaloneta y zapatillas??
los culturosos ((mal llamados intelectuales)) que quieren llamar la atencion, a pesar de todo, son de lo peor.
es que en parte el pobre culturoso tiene un punto en contra. cuando ya metiste las patas y apoyas a correa, si te retractas, entonces qué haces, arrepentirte?? no creo, supuestamente la culturosidad te blinca contra los errores.
que uno escriba o no sobre alguien o se ponga a quejar, pues es lo que hace todo el mundo.
ricardo weblog
Ese mismo es... uno de los enjutos miembros de la famosísima comisión de redacción (¿?) del pajaso mental ese que llaman constitución
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